Saturday, August 18, 2007

Business for Creatives

There are hundreds of pages online (and thousands off) dedicated to basic business knowledge for those in creative services. From how-tos on running a photography or graphic design studio to tips on sales pitching and pricing, you can find most any information you need in running your business.

If you live and work in the United States, that is.

Maybe Canada and Europe, too. But there's nothing out there (at least nothing I've heard of) outside a few threads in PhilMUG or PinoyExchange and the occasional article in Entrepreneur magazine, that specifically addresses the Philippine scene. No resource (online or off) that seeks to give tips and advice to creative types who are running (or wish to establish) their own businesses.

So here's Business for Creatives. A blog that will feature links to resources, reviews of sites and/or books in the market, and my personal insights. In the future there will be interviews of creatives who run their own businesses and other resource persons.

Feel free to comment. I'm open to suggestions regarding the blog.

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